
Got shine?

You know those girls, the ones that just shine? Their eyes are so shiny it doesn't matter what they are wearing or whether or not it's a good hair day cuz you just can't stop staring at their "shiny"ness? They are just bright and glowy and lovely. yeah.

It's my life goal to be one of those girls.

But sometimes I let people get in the way. It's like I'm standing there being all shiny and everything and then I allow someone to stand right in front of me, blocking my light. I ALLOW THEM. Why? Sometimes being shiny is scary. All the people around you might get blinded a little because they aren't used to people just glowing for no apparent reason.

Who is that decides good reasons for glowing? Why is when you walk down the hall at school just smiling for all the world to see everyone gives you weird looks? As if you have absolutely no right to smile just for the heck of it. We all expect reasons. A person walking alone down the hall shouldn't be randomly smiling.

Or so they think.

Here's what I think. People spend a whole lotta time exercising their arm and stomach muscles and such and not enough exercising their smile muscles.

Here is a quote from an amazing lady- Elaine Dalton:

"Your “shine”—does not lie in makeup, gooey cream, or the latest clothing or hairstyles. It lies in your personal purity. When you live your standards ... you can have a powerful impact in the world. Your example, even the light in your eyes, will influence others who see your “shine,” and they will want to be like you."

Can you say that, everyday? I've got my shiny on and NOTHING can stop me.

I liked this so much I wrote in on a sticky note and stuck it to my bathroom mirror:

 Doing so might be a good idea ;)

Will you shine? Let's have a shiny party, everyone will wish they were there too.

And the funny thing is they could be there if they wanted too.

You're officially invited.
