I'm in love with love.
Yes, I admit it.
Sparkly eyes, a shy smile and a cute face is all I need to make my heart melt. I'm a simple girl. I don't need the next top model. I like the shy, sweet, cute type. Tall, skinny (that's my quirk), with nice hair and a sense of style. Oh and did I mention CUTE? I think I did.
Anyway, we're all girls here, right? So I can rave a bit? Let me start by sharing a little piece of my love life.
....oh wait, that's right.
I don't have one.
The fact of the matter is that my love life has been very small indeed. I have very few close guy friends, and to be completely honest, I'd never even think of having romantic feelings towards any of them. I tend to like the unreachable guys. You know, the popular ones. The ones all the girls swoon over. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a pretty face. I've had my share of crushes, some of which I've even plucked up the courage and managed to talk to them only to be rejected multiple times. Oh well, at least I have the satisfaction of knowing he stares at me all the time, right? Wrong. That only makes everything ten times worse.
Enough about my love life. Now that you know that I don't have one, I can skim into the future and talk about my dream man, because let's be honest, we all have one.
The physical quirks:
1. Tall (I'm not very particular about this one, so long as they are taller than me. But I do like to feel small, so six foot isn't a bad thing).
2. Baby face (Oh my gosh, don't even get me started! Boys with baby faces... so adorable).
3. Skinny (Okay, everyone tells me I'm crazy, but I absolutely cannot stand curvy guys. Boys legs aren't supposed to be curvy, girls are. So therefore, I like tall, skinny, straight boys because their legs are long and lean... and that's fine).
4. Brown eyes (up until about a year ago I've always loved blue eyes. I still do; they're beautiful. But one day I saw a boy with heavenly chocolate brown eyes and I could never look back).
5. Big eyes (Big, brown eyes. Gorgeous! Oh my goodness, I love when boys have big eyes because eyes are by far one of my favorite features on a boy... and his smile).
6. When they wear sweatshirts (oh my... this is my favorite. There's nothing I want to do more than snuggle an attractive boy wearing a sweatshirt. They look so cuddly!)
7. When they smell good (sorry, I had to put it up. Oh come on, you know you like it too).
8. When they dress nice (so hot).
9. When they hug you (it's pretty much perfect).
10. When they hold your hand in public (so cute).
The personality quirks:
1. Confidence (seriously, girls, you know this just as much as I do. When a boy has the confidence and nerve to make the first move it's way attractive).
2. Shy (I don't know why... it's just so dang adorable).
3. Gentleman (opens the door for you, as well as car doors. Offers you his seat. Let's you go first in line. It's just so extra adorable when they are respectful of you).
4. Silly (oh come on, you know me. I'm so dorky, there's absolutely no way I could date someone who doesn't know how to joke around).
5. When they have ambitions, dreams and goals for the future (it's just so attractive).
6. Spiritual (spiritual attractiveness, for me at least, is even more potent than physical attractiveness).
7. Smiles and laughs a lot (it's just a must).
8. Makes me laugh (also a must).
9. Hobbies (sings, dances, plays guitar, plays sports... all attractive. I like when they are involved in something that I can support them in).
10. Spontaneous (it makes life entertaining and full of surprises, which any girl loves).
I suppose you could say that I desire the kind of boyfriend any girl desires. Someone who will lay out on the tramp and watch the stars, talking through the early hours of the morning with me, hold me while I'm crying, hug me and kiss me on the forehead after a fight, dance like a crazy person in the kitchen with me. Someone who will always tell me how much I mean to them. Someone who isn't afraid of the words "I love you". Someone who likes to go on lazy day drives and do absolutely nothing, together. Who doesn't want a boy like that? With me, cheesey's a good thing.
Sure, he won't be perfect.
Everyone has their flaws.
But he'll be perfect for me.
Fact of the matter is, I absolutely cannot wait to fall in love.
Thanks for talking about boys with me!
What would your perfect man be like? Leave a comment.
Love, Shelby