
I want you... to be in my club :)

This is an invitation.

I have a club. And I want you to join.

It's called the Adventurer club.

When: always.
Where: anywhere.
Why: oh oh oh, I have a Pinterest picture for this one :) because...

How: be being REAL and SHINY.
Who: those who are brave enough to be REAL.

There. You are officially invited. Are you willing to join?


Alrighty, go to this page.

Have a lovely day :]

Love, Emma


maybe a little is okay

 i was in the shower, shaving ( tmi?), when i realized how awesome my calf muscles are. i thought this is worth a facebook status when i realized it may be seen as a little vain. and then i thought, you know what? i think its okay to be a little vain sometimes. i think sometimes you need to embrace how amazing you are and let the world know. because basically, you rock and everyone oughta know that.

so maybe you should say, "i rock" just a few more times during the day.



would you change a sunset?

i posted this on my private blog but wanted to share it with you. if you'd like an invite to my blog let me know. anyways...

i'm a very opinionated person, i don't always share my opinion, but when i do... you get a blog post like this.

i am so sick. sick and tired. with everything really.
when asked 'if you could, what would you change about yourself?'
my feet, one might say.
my height, another.
i'm too fat, two might add.
i wish my eyes weren't as far apart, she may state.
etc. etc.
why would you ever want to change anything about you?
would you change a sunset? what about the view over-looking the valley? no, you wouldn't. so why, in a million years, would you want to change you?
you were created by the same devine being that created this earth and the next earth and the next.
everything about His creations are perfect. absolutely perfect. do you really think you are anything less? do you think He would let you be anything less than perfect. no.

it's hard. i know it is. i've been there. every morning i'd do my hair and put on my favorite shirt, hoping someone would notice. foryears i thought, if i could be a little taller and skinnier, or have straight hair, or the perfect skin. maybe i'd feel better. then i'd be happy. then i'd be happy.
was i? no. am i taller? not much. skinner? no. straight hair? nope, still curly as can be. and my skin is far from perfect. but i found peace in knowing i was meant to be this way. it took years. days i thought i was the most terrible looking thing on the planet. until one day i decided to change. i decided i didn't care what others thought of me, they thought i was ugly, that's there problem. it wasn't for me to worry about anymore.

you want change, make it change. if you don't change anything but expect a different result, you are insane. (in*sane [in-seyn] doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.)
i hear too often people complain about their body weight but do nothing to change it. you want to look good in your swimsuit? go on a run, do a few crunches. don't just sit there hoping something will change. it won't. unless you make it change.

i told myself every day, i am beautiful. until eventually, i believed it. 

the world today is too busy focusing on what house we live in or what clothes we wear. we've lost the value of beauty. who cares what color you're hair is or what you weigh. if you're happy, others will see the real beauty in you. and if they don't? to heck with them, they don't matter anyway. they are going to try to tear you down, but it only means you are above them.

you're going to have those days. days where you don't feel so hot. but don't let those days become weeks, or those weeks become months. don't let one bad day affect how the rest of your life goes. you have a bad day, make an effort to make the next day absolutely amazing.

words cannot express how strongly i feel about this topic. you are worth it. you are beautiful. you are the most amazing thing out there.
be yourself, love yourself. don't try to fit in. why would you want to? you were born to stand out. please. please. plleeeaase. this isn't something i can do for you. or something you can buy with your next pair of jeans. it's something you decide. for yourself. you must do it. you must.

the day you can walk up to a mirror, with your hair pulled back and sportin' an old tee, and look yourself in the eyes and see the artwork He created, and tell yourself, "i am beautiful. i am perfect." is the greatest day ever. it's the day you realize who you are and what you're worth. because you're worth more than the moon and back.



Living the dream? Yes sirree :)

So you know how this blog is all about living your dreams? Well, guess what! I'm living my dream right now! I'll be a published (fiction) author in just two (almost three) months. Can you believe it?! I'm so excited.

So here's the FB page for my book! Like it, share it! It'd be most appreciated.


define who YOU are

it's a topic that's been on my mind a lot lately. i think, we, as girls struggle. thinking we need to fit in, be accepted by the world. society puts us in a tough spot making us believe one thing when the truth is the exact opposite.

truth is, you're never going to look like this:


we are all different. we were created that way. it's okay. 

don't let others define who you are. you are soooo amazing, don't lose that charm by trying to be like the rest of them. don't worry about fitting in or what the others will think. because, odds are, they are just jealous that you are confidant enough to be yourself. 

so i challenge you,

fruit loops are more fun anyway. :)




Why do we do that? And we all do. I tend to get annoyed at girls who seem like they are only trying to be unique in order to bring attention to themselves, when maybe I do the same thing. I mean, I'm the crazy girl with a Phineas and Ferb backpack, so why do I get annoyed at the girl with barbie dolls in her backpack? Us girls need to stop bringing other girls down. We all know how hard life can be. Lets bring each other up instead. k?



Got shine?

You know those girls, the ones that just shine? Their eyes are so shiny it doesn't matter what they are wearing or whether or not it's a good hair day cuz you just can't stop staring at their "shiny"ness? They are just bright and glowy and lovely. yeah.

It's my life goal to be one of those girls.

But sometimes I let people get in the way. It's like I'm standing there being all shiny and everything and then I allow someone to stand right in front of me, blocking my light. I ALLOW THEM. Why? Sometimes being shiny is scary. All the people around you might get blinded a little because they aren't used to people just glowing for no apparent reason.

Who is that decides good reasons for glowing? Why is when you walk down the hall at school just smiling for all the world to see everyone gives you weird looks? As if you have absolutely no right to smile just for the heck of it. We all expect reasons. A person walking alone down the hall shouldn't be randomly smiling.

Or so they think.

Here's what I think. People spend a whole lotta time exercising their arm and stomach muscles and such and not enough exercising their smile muscles.

Here is a quote from an amazing lady- Elaine Dalton:

"Your “shine”—does not lie in makeup, gooey cream, or the latest clothing or hairstyles. It lies in your personal purity. When you live your standards ... you can have a powerful impact in the world. Your example, even the light in your eyes, will influence others who see your “shine,” and they will want to be like you."

Can you say that, everyday? I've got my shiny on and NOTHING can stop me.

I liked this so much I wrote in on a sticky note and stuck it to my bathroom mirror:

 Doing so might be a good idea ;)

Will you shine? Let's have a shiny party, everyone will wish they were there too.

And the funny thing is they could be there if they wanted too.

You're officially invited.



Vote for me!

Hello lovely people!! Can I ask a favor? I have the opportunity to model on the front cover of a book that I love! It's a novel by Cindy Hogan. I met the author and she was amazing, and this would be a great opportunity for me! So please visit the link below and like my photo on facebook. The person with the most likes wins, so you're vote would be most appreciated! Thank you SO much! :)

<3 Shelby Nicole


Bedroom Decor :)

I'm getting my bedroom re-carpeted next week and I'm quite ecstatic about it. When you've got new carpet, you can do your room however you want. You can't so much when you've got yucky blue carpet that's older than you. Ewww....So anyways. This is how I'm thinking about doing my room (no, I can't afford a $2000 headboard but you get the idea). I'm very enthused with the idea!! Whatdoyouthink??
<3 Carmy


Summer Lovin'

So, it's getting closer and closer to summer!!! Gosh I'm psyched.

This summer I'm gonna do this

And dress like this:

Source: gap.com via Emma on Pinterest

And paint my nails like this:

And wear shoes like this:

And do my hair like this:

And do things like this:

And search the planet for things like this:

And pass things off my bucket list such as:

But best of all this summer I am going to


What are you going to do this summer? Please share :]



Hey girls,

I'd absolutely love for you to like my page! It's entitled Shelby Griffiths: aspiring author. Whether I know you or not, I'd love for you to like my page! Let's get as many likes as possible! As many of you may know, I am an aspiring author. I am currently working on getting my first book "Maybe" published as well as writing the sequel and I just started writing another novel. I'll be posting updates on the publishing process, photos, videos, and even little pieces of my writing. So like my page. It'd mean the world to me! Thank you!

Shelby :)


You are the star of the show, my dear

Sometimes I'm acting, inside my head. Rehearse my lines before they are said.

-Peter Breinholt

I love those words, cuz I totally do this. I think through exactly what I'm going to say before I say it. Sometimes I never get up the courage to say the lines I wrote for myself. Sometimes life feels like a play I'm just an actress in. An unimportant actress with a few little lines.

But that is a lie.

The lines I say are important. The lines YOU say are important. The entire play would fall apart without them.

Live your life like you are the star of the show. Live life like it's a musical, don't be afraid to randomly burst out in song.

Say your lines like they matter, because they do. Say them loud so even the people in the back can hear. If you have to, pretend the audience doesn't have any clothes on ;) Just remember, what the audience thinks doesn't matter. The play was written for you.

Loves, Emma


i hope you smile.


 my favorite.



Real Girls in the Real World

Lyric of the day:

I wanna run through the halls of my High School. I wanna scream at the top of my lungs. I just found out there's no such thing as THE REAL WORLD. It's just a lie you've got to rise above.

-No Such Thing, by John Mayer

Go live in the real world, darling. But don't be fake.

be beautiful. be you. be REAL.


Emma Caroline


Craaaaaazy girl.

I just sent my first query. Yes, I feel crazy. I'm excited and nervous. If they don't want it, no big deal. I can handle a rejection. And there's plenty more agents to query. But nervous I am, just the same. 

Talk about going for your dreams. I never thought I'd ever reach this point.

But here I am.

Just a craaaazy girl with a craaaazy dream. Cross your fingers, ladies. I will need all the luck I can get!

<3 Shelby


Today is a Lovely Day

Was your day lovely?

Make it gorgeous. make it perfect. the power is in YOUR hands, girly.



Woah, please.

2 Questions:

How long did it take that grandma to knit this?

and will she make me one?

Please. I adore sweaters.


Emma :]
love, austyn


Oh Joy

Today was a lovely day.

Reasons for its loveliness:
<3 It's Tuesday (which happens to be my favorite day of the week)
<3 Oh yeah, it's Valentine's Day of course
<3 Also I turned 15 today :]

So, today I was just sitting in math. Trying my hardest to make this fancy heart paper valentine THING (yes, that is the technical term) and suddenly a beautiful, though quite lonely, rose was placed on my desk. It was delivered by someone on student council, with a small, insignificant note attached to it which said: To Emma Heath... And then the name of my math teacher. Yes, that is all. Which means: I am currently racking my brain trying to figure out who felt compelled to make my day and profess their entirely secret love in the form of Valentine's greatest symbol of drippy, gushy affection: a red rose.

I have no idea who it was. Well actually I have one, but it isn't the best possibility I could come up with. Right now I am inclined to act like Anne Shirley and just think up the most lovely explaination I can. Life is more fun when you pretend to be Anne.

That's the small explaination of my current thoughts.
I hope your day was fantastic as well :]


pucker up, cupcake. it's valentine's day!

image via pinterest.



{24} Things To Do On An Elevator

A wish of mine: Spend a whole day with one of my best friends doing every single one of these things:

1) When there's only one other person in the elevator, tap them on the shoulder and then pretend it wasn't you.

2) Push the buttons and pretend they give you a shock. Smile, and go back for more.

3) Ask if you can push the button for other people, but push the wrong ones.

4) Call the Psychic Hotline from your cell phone and ask if they know what floor your on.

5) Hold the doors open and say your waiting for a friend. After a while, let the doors close, and say, "Hi Greg. How's your day been?"

6) Drop a pen and wait until someone goes to pick it up, then scream, "That's mine!"

7) Bring a camera and take pictures of everyone in the elevator.

8) Move your desk into the elevator and whenever anyone gets on, ask if they have an appointment.

9) Lay down the twister mat and ask people if they would like to play.

10)Pretend you are a flight attendant and review emergency procedures and exits with the passengers.

11) Ask, "Did you feel that?"

12) Stand really close to someone, sniffing them occasionally.

13) When the doors close, announce to the others, "It's okay, don't panic, they open again!"

14) Swat at flies that don't exist.

15) Call out, "Group Hug!"and then enforce it.

16) Open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside, ask, "Got enough air in there?"

17) Stand silently and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off.

18) Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.

19) Listen to the elevator walls with your stethoscope.

20) Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button.

21) Stare, grinning at another passenger for a while, then announce, "I have new socks on." (this one is my favorite)

22) Draw a little square on the floor with chalk and announce to the other passengers, "This is MY personal space!"

23) As soon as the door closes start freaking out, explaining that you are claustrophobic.

24) Ask the person next to you to tell you a knock knock joke, and then fall on the floor and laugh uncontrollably at it.

I hoped you laughed :]



find a girl who reads.

image via pinterest.

"If you find a girl who reads, keep her close. When you find her up at 2 AM clutching a book to her chest and weeping, make her a cup of tea and hold her. You may lose her for a couple of hours but she will always come back to you. She’ll talk as if the characters in the book are real, because for a while, they always are. Date a girl who reads because you deserve it. You deserve a girl who can give you the most colorful life imaginable. If you can only give her monotony, and stale hours and half-baked proposals, then you’re better off alone. If you want the world and the worlds beyond it, date a girl who reads." 

- Robert Pattinson.

I don't really like this kid, in fact, the very sight of his face makes me want to hurl. but, this quote is not only romantic, but pretty much exudes truth and kindness

if i loved ol' Robby boy like the greater population of the females in this world, i'd probably say i would want to marry him after reading that... but his face... gah.

Oh, Robby,very cute thing to say.

post note: is it weird i've given a nickname to a celebrity i despise quite highly?


Lyric of The Day: Kelly Clarkson

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Stand a little taller.

It doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.

From What Doesn't Kill You by Kelly Clarkson

My favorite part it that last line "it doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone." I've noticed that people just expect me to like someone at all times. Girls sometimes look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them I don't like anyone right now. My friend Colton is still convinced I do like someone no matter how many times I tell him I don't. But guess what, I enjoy myself more when the whole world doesn't know who I like.

A small side note of great importance: I still think boys are cute. There is this boy who goes to my school. His name is Caden. yeah....... :] Nuff said, right?

So it's not like I don't notice boys, Oh trust me, I do. I just don't "like" anyone right now. And when I decide to like a certain boy, the whole world is NOT going to know about it. I have learned that lesson already. The hard way. But that is a story for another time. Coming soon to Absolutely Bonkers: Emma's boy stories from the 2011-2012 school year :P fun fun.

Well, TTFN!

-Emma Caroline

P.S. For those of you who are staring at your computer screen with a blank look of wonder and confusion on your face- TTFN stands for Ta Ta For Now. Spoken by one of my favorite Disney characters: Tiger :] haha see ya.

I guess I'm a boring person...

My idea of fun/keeping myself properly entertained (just some stuff off the top of my head)
1.Go coning
2.Finish all sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
3.Finish other people's crossword puzzles
4.tell people I can't come to their parties 5 days in advance because I'm not in the mood
5. Spray everything anyone touches with a can of Lysol for a day
6. running up the escalator going down
7. Late night dance parties with myself
8. finish every sentence with "ya man" with a Bajan or Jamaican accent.
9. insist that absurd things are true like Bush is still president.
10. head bang with the bass UP and the windows down the street....to Mozart.
11. ask the kid at Riddley's if they take federal reserve notes.
12. move peoples bookmarks when they aren't looking.
13. pay for dinner with pennies.
14. call Wendy's to make a reservation that night.
15. insist everyone remove their shoes to avoid contamination.
16. Put everyone on speakerphone
17. have a hot tub party in the snow
18. paint a cat's toenails.
19. Street light tan and convince people it works
20. taking bubble baths
21. making gourmet dinner



I sure hope you like to laugh!

Just a little humor to brighten your day:) <3 Carli