
I guess I'm a boring person...

My idea of fun/keeping myself properly entertained (just some stuff off the top of my head)
1.Go coning
2.Finish all sentences with the words "in accordance with prophesy."
3.Finish other people's crossword puzzles
4.tell people I can't come to their parties 5 days in advance because I'm not in the mood
5. Spray everything anyone touches with a can of Lysol for a day
6. running up the escalator going down
7. Late night dance parties with myself
8. finish every sentence with "ya man" with a Bajan or Jamaican accent.
9. insist that absurd things are true like Bush is still president.
10. head bang with the bass UP and the windows down the street....to Mozart.
11. ask the kid at Riddley's if they take federal reserve notes.
12. move peoples bookmarks when they aren't looking.
13. pay for dinner with pennies.
14. call Wendy's to make a reservation that night.
15. insist everyone remove their shoes to avoid contamination.
16. Put everyone on speakerphone
17. have a hot tub party in the snow
18. paint a cat's toenails.
19. Street light tan and convince people it works
20. taking bubble baths
21. making gourmet dinner



  1. Gosh that's funny! :] I was laughing pretty hard, my family probably thinks I'm crazy. Oh wait, we all are around here ;)

  2. haha! You would never do some of those!!

  3. ....Carli...that's the whole point. I would.
